All items from the pack will be disabled/not show. You can disable the Vampires pack, but you will also not be able to use the build items.You have to maintain them carefully, and they can sometimes interfere with or break your game code if they are not functioning properly or if there is a game update that brakes the Mod/CC. Apparently there is a Mod that will turn them off, but I don't use Mods. There is no ability to turn vampires off in the game by a toggle off or settings option.Apparently there are other similar manners of protection, you can lock your outside doors plus bedroom doors, and don't answer or invite them in if they come to the door. I will also be making and adding a garlic wreath/braid at the doors. I will add one or two planters of it by the doors. Apparently you can grow garlic so that will be my next step. I went through all of the households first thing and deleted apparent vampires/households, and I plan to do so if I become aware of any other ones. I didn't get the Vampires pack until recently - and I build a lot so I got it for building items. Information, Guides and Announcements for the EA app.